Marine store in town….

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shane on June 8, 2012

A quick Blurb about TROTAC, a marine store in Victoria BC,
Trotac has been around for a long time but they have just moved to a new location, and as I am doing some modifications on 1 of my kayak, I was hunting for parts.
The shop is now much bigger, full of staff that want to help and know their stuff.
So if you have questions about boat repairs, marine sealant and glues, paints….
There was also a great area with Navigation tools you can’t find anywhere else, all the Publications for Sailing Directions, and of course Charts since our local Government provider is now closed, you need to go get them at Trotac!
There was a great selection of drybags, and waterproof cases for VHF, GPS… all the electronics gadgets.
Overall, go and check it out!

If you are looking for chemicals only, then head on over to Industrial Plastics and paints...

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