Resources & FAQ

In this section, we’ll talk about booksmagazinesvideos and podcasts. You can also access the FAQ section.

There are lots of awesome works, tonnes of information, either just for fun or because we need it. You’ll find books to get new ideas for some trips… or maybe start thinking about new areas of the sport, such as Kayak Surfing. Magazines will keep you updated on the latest news and if you don’t paddle in winter, they’ll keep you company until spring. Videos… well, make you dream of new places and things you could do, inspiration!

I have always found pleasure in learning new things from the comfort of my sofa and the hardest part is to get at the good staff, well, I have done the triage for you!

If you’ve come across something that is not listed here, as you certainly will, let us know and we’ll ad it for everybody’s benefit as soon as we can.