Magazines: Cover Of Ocean Paddler

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shane on March 2, 2012

This April, Ocean Paddler featured a shot of myself on the cover. In June Taver was on the cover of Coast&Kayak.  Our job as leaders in the industry is to paddle and promote the sport and activity of Sea Kayaking, we are part of the big picture and produce articles and pictures for Magazines around the world….

In this particular case the shot was taken with my GoPro mounted on a Kayalu mount, while out enjoying some surf at Jordan River this winter. While paddling out through the surf zone, I had setup the GoPro to shoot a picture every half second.  This is the impact after paddling over and falling on the back of the wave.  The flat bottom of the Delphin pushing water out to both sides while I get ready to paddle hard, to make it through the next wave as it looms over.

Here are a few other Magazines photos that got us in the Medias.

Adventure kayak Magazine Photo annual:


An article by Alex Matthews, article and book writer, in Coast and Kayak magazine, About Paddling in Currents….. I am there in the black Boat!


There is more if you look up our Photo Gallery under “ASK in the Media”



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