The Ikkatsu Expedition

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shane on July 18, 2012

The Ikkatsu project: Three kayakers traveling the roadless coast of the Olympic Peninsula, documenting the debris from the tsunami as it washes ashore on remote Northwest beaches. Working in cooperation with several different scientific organizations, including NOAA and the Coastal Watershed Institute, it is our hope that information gleaned from this adventure will add to our understanding of ocean currents, water-borne pollution and the often mysterious ways that nature and civilization interact.

They found part of a house, a pesticide sprayer and a Soccer ball.

I think we are going to see more and more “left over” of the Tsunami and we’ll have to get organized in some way to collect it and drag it out of the remote spots on the cost.

SKGABC has posted a link on their website to the Ministry of Environment  in charge of that .

It’s in place and you can get all the info…

Tsunami Debris Sightings:

Please report all general tsunami debris sightings to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) email address designated for this purpose:

Information on what to do if you find debris linked to the tsunami (PDF/224 KB).

Questions? For more information about tsunami debris and the Tsunami Debris Coordinating Committee, please read the FAQs (PDF/81 KB).


Hope we don’t see too much of it……

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